Confession is for 30 minutes prior to Mass, or after Mass - see schedule for start times

Mass Times

Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm Weekdays: Mon. & Fri. - 7:15 am Wed. - 12:00 pm


Saturday: 3:45 - 4:15 pm Sunday: 7:25 am - end 9:25 am - end 5:15 - 5:45 pm Weekdays: Mon. & Fri. - after Mass Wed. - 11:30 am - end

Hall Rental

For hall rental availability and pricing, contact
Maria Clune at 419-678-4802.
The Grotto image

Because of Three Catholic Families

The founding of Holy Trinity Parish dates back to 1867 when three Catholic families, Kallmeyer, Boese, and Pohl of the Coldwater area sought permission for the construction of a wood frame church; hence the name "Holy Trinity." Completed in the fall of 1868, the original 30 x 60 foot structure stood at the site of our present church.

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  • 120 East Main Street, Coldwater, OH 45828
  • PO Box 107