Who, What, When, Why, and How?


  • All catechists, volunteer or paid, are required to complete continuing education hours each year.


  • The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Youth Religious Education Policies for Parishes requires the following:

    • Volunteer catechists will complete 5 hours per year.

    • Professional catechists, those who are paid in any way and at any frequency, will complete 20 hours per year.

    • These are minimums required in the policy. All catechists are encouraged to do more as their schedule and state in life allows.

  • Working with our Pastor, Parochial Vicars, Director of Adult Evangelization and Coordinators of Religious Education, a curriculum was developed to ensure that our catechists will be well formed in all of the basic tenets of our Catholic faith.

  • Similar to working towards a high school or college diploma, we have determined core categories of the faith that each catechist should be formed in.

    • Sacraments, Scripture, Prayer, The Holy Spirit, Mary, Discipleship & Evangelization, and Morality

      • A number of programs have been selected for catechists to complete in order to fulfill each of these core requirements.

      • Some core categories, such as Sacraments and Scripture, require more than one program to fulfill the requirements. Other core categories, such as Prayer and Mary, require only one.

  • After the requirements of the core categories have been met, a catechist can fulfill their yearly hours in a multitude of ways.

    • Attend Theologically Thirsty Thursday, Faith Fueled Friday, or similar events held regularly in our area.

    • Participate in faith sharing and learning groups such as Iron Sharpens Iron and Cana Women's Group in the Fort Recovery parishes and the Men's and Women's Groups in the Coldwater parishes, or other small groups.

    • Choose any other programs available on Formed, Vocare, Ascension Press, etc. There are numerous options available online.

    • The offices in Coldwater and Fort Recovery have a variety of DVD-based bible studies and other faith formation programs available for use.

    • Listen to Catholic podcasts or use tools like the Hallow app

    • Daily prayer and devotionals are absolutely essential to nourishing one's spiritual life; however, they cannot be used to fulfill the 5 hour requirement.


  • The requirement for continuing education hours will begin with the 2024/2025 religious education year.

  • Hours are to be completed between July 1 - June 30 each year

  • There is no timeline to complete all of the core categories. As long as a catechist does 5 hours each year, he or she can move through them at their own pace.

HOW?  Click here for the curriculum document

  • Are you a new catechist (having taught 3 years or less)?

    • Begin with Symbolon: Knowing the Faith for 5 hours

    • If you also teach 2nd grade?

      • Complete Forgiven and Presence (total of 5.5 hours)

    • If  you also teach Confirmation prep?

      • Complete Sent by the Spirit (total 1.5 hours)

    • Catechists preparing students to receive a sacrament have increased responsibility; therefore, they also have a greater number of hours to be completed the first year.

    • The following year complete Symbolon: Living the Faith (5 hours)

    • After Symbolon is complete, move on to the core categories to complete those requirements.

  • Are you an experienced catechist (having taught for 4 years or more)?

    • Each year choose one of the core categories and complete a program(s) for 5 hours or more

    • If you teach 2nd grade?

      • Start with Forgiven and Presence

    • If you teach Confirmation prep?

      • Start with Sent by the Spirit


  • Have you completed The Bible in a Year or a program like The Great Adventure Bible Timeline

    • Then you have met the requirements of the Scripture category.

  • Have you completed The Catechism in a Year

    • Then you have met the requirements of Symbolon, Sacraments, Prayer, Holy Spirit, Mary, and Morality

  • Have you completed the Enrich:Theology of the Body course in Vocare? Then you have fulfilled the Theology of the Body requirement of Morality

If you have completed other programs or workshops, especially any that you received Vocare outside credit, that you feel would fulfill any of the core category requirements, email Cindy Muhlenkamp with that information.