2016 PICTORIALS — Anyone wanting a 2016 Pictorial of our parishioners, please stop by the Coldwater Office to pick one up. They are FREE for the taking. The pictorials are of Holy Trinity, St. Anthony, and St. Mary parishioners. Any 2016 pictorials that are not picked up by Monday, April 21st will be discarded.
WOMEN'S SOCIAL GROUP: All women from the Holy Cross Family are welcome to join the Women's Group that meets on the first and third Thursday of every month from 7:30 - 9pm in the St. Isidore room of Holy Trinity's Grotto. The next meeting will be on Thursday, March 20, 2024.
MEN'S GROUP ANNOUNCEMENT: Men's Group meetings are every first and third Friday of every month @ 4:30am in the Grotto. Men of all ages are welcome to join. There is no commitment to come every meeting. Contact David Bettinger @ 419-852-2582 with any questions. The next meeting is on Friday, March 21, 2024.
EXPECTANT MOTHER'S BLESSINGS: Blessings are held after all Mass the first weekend of every month.
REGULAR BULLETIN SUBMISSION DEADLINE: All information submitted for our bulletin must be received by 8:00 am, 10 days prior to the Sunday publication date in order to be included in our bulletins. Please submit information to bulletin.holycrossfop@gmail.com. Thank You!
THEOLOGICALLY THIRSTY THURSDAYS — On Mar. 13th Fr. Ethan Hoying will be speaking on “Loving Others: LGBTQ+ in the Family & Culture”. Gather in “The Loft” at Tailspin at 7 pm; speaker will start at 7:30 pm. Follow Theologically Thirsty Thursdays on Facebook @T3Coldwater for more information.
REMINDER TO ALL BUSINESSES AND PARISHIONERS — We do have a No Soliciting Policy on all of our church grounds. This includes all church properties within our entire Family of Parishes. You may not distribute any forms of advertising on any church premises. For business wanting to advertise in our bulletin, you may contact Sherry Montel with Diocesan @ smontell@diocesan.com or 614-301-7444.
NON-PROFITS & PARISH EVENTS — All flyers or promotional materials for non-profit organizations or parish events must be approved by the Holy Cross Director of Communications before distribution in any of our churches. Contact: 419-678-4802 or bulletin.holycrossfop@gmail.com.
FAMILY COOKBOOKS — Cookbooks are still available at our Coldwater or Fort Recovery Family Offices. Stop by to pick up a Holy Cross Family cookbook for $10. All proceeds will be going towards the Welcome Baskets for our New Parishioners.
ANONYMOUS DONATIONS — It would be greatly appreciated that anyone who turns in anonymous donations write what parish they desire the donations to be attributed to. This would be very helpful for our staff. Thank You!
CHILDREN'S EUCHRISTIC ADORATION: Grades K - 6th may join us every 4th Thursday at Holy Trinity from 3:15 - 4:15 pm for a guided holy half hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament starting this September and going through April! Games & Snacks will follow! Students will be walked over from school. Grades K-4, meet by the elementary library. Grades 5-6, meet by the high school office. Contact Maria Gruss with any questions at 419-678-4802. Sign up your children at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040A4CA5AF2CA2F49-50423023-childrens#/
SCAM WARNING: Please Ignore any Email, Phone, or Text messages from Fr. Witt asking for you to Purchase anything. These are Fraudulent messages from someone trying to Scam Parishioners.
ONE CALL NOW: Parishioners of the Holy Cross Family are able to update their contact information for the One Call System via a link on the Home Page of the website. Click on SIGN UP / EDIT ONE CALL on the left side of the screen. You can also add yourself to the groups that receive alerts regarding changes in the Mass Schedule, to receive the bulletin via email, or to receive information regarding the Holy Cross Family Women's Group (held weekly in the Grotto).
MASS INTENTIONS: As a reminder, Mass Intentions are open on a rolling calendar from the current month through year out from the current month. As a reminder, each individual parishioner at the Coldwater parishes is allowed one Mass Intention and each individual parishioner at the Fort Recovery parishes is allowed two Mass Intentions per calendar year. The suggested donation for a Mass Intention is $5. Example formats for Mass Intentions are as follows: John Doe; John & Jane Doe; L/D John & Jane Doe Family; John & Jane Doe Wedding Anniversary.

FISH BUFFET: Wendelin Sports Club All-U-Can eat fish buffet every Friday during lent 4:30-7 pm. Adults $12
COLDWATER PTO CARNIVAL: Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 1:00–5:00 p.m. in the Coldwater High School Palace. BBQ Chicken dinners by Romer’s from 3:00-4:30 p.m. Tickets are $10.00 each and are PRESALE ONLY! If you have not already purchased your tickets, you can purchase them at Coldwater Chiefs, Rooster Joe’s or by calling/texting Vanessa Cooper (317) 450-9698 or Amber Young (419) 305-2300. The deadline to purchase dinner tickets is March 1st, 2025.
COLDWATER PTO CARNIVAL: Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 1:00–5:00 p.m. in the Coldwater High School Palace. The cake stand needs baked items. Items can be dropped off in the Commons between 10 a.m. - noon before the carnival on March 16th. K Burgers and Kona Ice will be available. Food, fun and games for everyone!!! New this year will be a door prize! Hope to see you there!!!

Putter Golf Open -Thanks To Our Yanks Putter Golf Open on March 29th at 1:00 o-clock. Get your 4-person team ($40.00) together & join us for an afternoon of fun & putter golfing. Sign up the day of event at any of the following locations- Coldwater VFW,Coldwater Eagles,McSobers,Coldwater Legion,St.Henry Legion & Southside! Buses available for Transportation ($10 fee). 100% of Proceeds Benefit Active--Duty Soldiers & Veterans.Any Questions call 419-305-0478
FT. RECOVERY DRAMA PERFORMANCE: "The Fort Recovery Elementary/Middle School Drama is presenting Wagon Wheels West. Show times are Friday, April 4th at 7 pm, Saturday, April 5th at 2 pm and Sunday, April 6th at 2 pm. Tickets are $8 for Adults and $6 for students K-12, children under 5 are free. Tickets can be purchased at the door, no presale."